Organizers with substantial, direct experience in the field have an entirely different focus than authors who have not been involved in campaigns: we focus on how the work gets done (methods), and how to win.

chicago teachers on strike picketig in the street

Chicago’s Teachers Are Making History. Again.: Rank-and-file workers are finally taking back their unions, and strikes are spreading across the country as a result.

The strikes that spread from Chicago across the nation are happening because energetic, smart rank-and-file workers are finally taking back their own organizations—their unions—after too many years of risk-averse leaders whose unwillingness to use the strike weapon contributed to the downfall of the working class. Read More

Union members stand outside of the General Motors Flint Assembly Plant

The Path to Climate Justice Runs Through the UAW Strike: During Climate Week, why not show we can have economic and environmental justice?

Few people know what’s really happening behind closed doors as General Motors executives and UAW officials try to hammer out an agreement to end their now seven-day-long strike. Against the backdrop of the United Nations Climate Summit, and with the excitement still palpable after 4 million young people marched to demand bold solutions to the climate crisis, it is vital to understand what is going on.  Read More