Media Coverage
Changing the narrative is never enough. But positive coverage helps.

Leonard Lopate

Interview: The Leonard Lopate Radio Show

Today, fewer than 7 percent of American private-sector workers belong to a union, the lowest percentage since the beginning of the 20th century. Union organizer Jane McAlevey looks at the state of the American labor movement and describes her experiences fighting the bosses and national labor leaders. In Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement, she tells the story of a number of dramatic organizing and contract victories, and the unconventional strategies that helped achieve them, and looks at ways to revive the labor movement. Read More

KALW logo

Interview: What Are The Most Effective Ways For Workers To Organize? on KALW

I talk to Rose Aguilar on Your Call from San Francisco public radio KALW. Listen on the KALW website. On today’s Your Call, we’ll have a conversation with Jane McAlevey author of “Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement.” She argues that labor can be revived, but only if the movement acknowledges its mistakes and fully commits to deep organizing, militancy, and an approach to workers and their communities that more resembles the campaigns of the 1930s. Read More

New York Times logo

New York Times On Me: In 15 Mug Shots, a Model of Disobedience

The New York Times wrote the following on me: (McAlevey) has demonstrated on behalf of redwoods and rain forests. Against military intervention in Central America. Two years ago, she was in the thick of things as Local 1199 threatened Connecticut with a strike by 8,000 nursing home workers. Now she’s helping Local 531 and the striking janitors who scour Stamford’s skyscrapers. Read More