Interview with Brian Lehrer on NYC’s NPR
On Monday, November 21st, host Brian Lehrer asked for my thoughts about the election, and, what has to happen next. Read More
On Monday, November 21st, host Brian Lehrer asked for my thoughts about the election, and, what has to happen next. Read More
Jane McAlevey author of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, explains the distinction between organizing and mobilizing. Why organizing is reflective and face to face. Mobilizing after self-discovery. Why the Left needs to get back to back to basics organizing. The American South and organizing factory workers today. Read More
Doug Henwood and I sat down for a interview in early April, 2014, for his show on KPFA called, Behind the News. Doug wanted to talk about my thoughts on everything from the recent UAW defeat in Chattanooga, TN, to the mobilizing among fast food workers and more. Henwood had recently read the new Afterward for the second edition of my book (the softcover release, just out in softcover!). Read More
On the Rose Aguilar show, “Your Call,” I challenge unions and environmentalists to unify, see the attack on each other as an attack on both, reject KXL and start building a stronger progressive movement. Feb. 2013 on KALW click here to listen. On today’s Your Call, we’ll have a conversation about how the debate about Keystone XL Pipeline project has brought out divisions between the labor and environmentalists Read my article on Building a Real Blue-Green Alliance. Read More
Host Cecil Prescod interviews labor activist Jane McAlevey about the state of the labor movement and how to make unions matter again. McAlevey has been an organizer in the labor and environmental justice movements for the last twenty years. She is a PhD candidate at CUNY Graduate Center and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Read More