organizing Archives - Page 11 of 12 - Jane McAlevey

May Day protest in Greece

Celebrating May Day Starts by Taking Workers Seriously: Here in the United States, workers need a lot more than another holiday.

“…here in the United States, the date is barely known beyond those immigrants whose home countries honor it, or among the most committed labor activists. Yet May Day commemorates the lives of four labor organizers in the United States who were hanged in Chicago after being falsely convicted of throwing a bomb into a group of police.” Read More

Rumble show art

It’s About F*cking Winning: Featuring Jane McAlevey

  “Jane McAlevey is a lifetime agitator and shitkicker. So why haven’t you seen her on TV? Why don’t we ever see any of our brightest thinkers and doers in the mainstream media? This is one of reasons I started RUMBLE — to bring brilliant voices like hers to you. Jane and I discuss how we can start creating 2021 now — the world we want to live in, the things we want to change. Read More