National Undergraduate Worker Convention (NUWC)Jane McAlevey will be speaking at the opening session

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Jsne as a student speaking out against apartheid and today as an orgaizer

Jane today and as a 20 year old student leader getting out of jail over apartheid fight. They won the largest divestment (all SUNY).

The National Undergraduate Worker Convention will feature Jane McAlevey as the plenary speaker.

This year’s NUWC will take place virtually in the evenings of September 13 – 17, and will include workshops and trainings on key topics that will help you build a powerful union on your campus. There will also be plenty of opportunities to socialize and build relationships with other undergraduate workers from around the country! At NUWC, you will be empowered as a student worker to organize, improve working conditions on your campus, and create valuable connections and trust with other student organizers.

Register here.