Organizers with substantial, direct experience in the field have an entirely different focus than authors who have not been involved in campaigns: we focus on how the work gets done (methods), and how to win.

You Voted To Form a Union. Now What? video

You Voted To Form a Union. Now What? (video): Jane McAlevey explains 3 core principles that can help workers win better contracts, faster.

You won your vote to start a union.. Now comes the hard part. Negotiations aren’t easy. A year after workers vote to unionize, more than half still don’t have a contract. After a year without a contract, management can push to legally dissolve a hard-won union. Reaching a good contract matters—so how do we get there? Read More

woman carrrying Moment flag

How Workers Can Win in 2022: They need to create a crisis in order to turn this country around.

Our new Gilded Age of obscene wealth and arrogance stands in stark contrast to the everyday struggles faced by tens of millions of exhausted workers fighting just to stay healthy and alive, avoid eviction, make the next month’s rent payment, or find the kind of job that will leave enough free time to help their children with homework. Read More

chicago teachers on strike picketig in the street

Chicago’s Teachers Are Making History. Again.: Rank-and-file workers are finally taking back their unions, and strikes are spreading across the country as a result.

The strikes that spread from Chicago across the nation are happening because energetic, smart rank-and-file workers are finally taking back their own organizations—their unions—after too many years of risk-averse leaders whose unwillingness to use the strike weapon contributed to the downfall of the working class. Read More

gov bruce rauner giving thumbs up

We Need Syriza in Illinois

The new governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, is a hedge fund manager whose salary last year was $60 million. He spent $65.9 million—including $27.6 million of his own money—buying his last election, and he’s about to introduce an austerity program that will make most folks in Illinois think they are living in austerity-wracked Greece, with less idyllic weather. Read More