Media Coverage
Changing the narrative is never enough. But positive coverage helps.

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Publisher’s Weekly Review of A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy

A Collective Bargain receives a coveted “starred” review from PW, plus an author interview to add emphasis. It’s a sign of the times that major national reviewers are signaling to the world the importance of unions today. “Labor activist McAlevey delivers a persuasive argument that the power of “strong, democratic” trade unions can fix many of America’s social problems in this timely cri de coeur.” Read More

bernie sanders at union rally

The hottest stop for candidates on the 2020 campaign trail? The picket line.

Jane McAlevey, a former organizer and a policy fellow at the University of California at Berkeley, argued in an essay she wrote for the Nation that candidates were offering workers photo opportunities but not actual power. “The GM strike could have been an incredible opportunity for Democrats to drive home a core message: Trump promised workers not one plant would close on his watch, and now that promise is broken,” she wrote in the magazine. Read More

United Steelworkers demonstrate

In Washington, United Steelworkers talk messaging and lobbying: This week, more than 600 union members from across the country gathered in the nation’s capital to press officials for common goals

The Pittsburgh-based United Steelworkers union is training its members as part of its “Rapid Response” program. The program serves as the engine to keep its roughly 850,000 members — who are increasingly diverse and spread across a wide variety of industries — unified in what can be a polarized political climate. Read More