Media Coverage
Changing the narrative is never enough. But positive coverage helps.

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Jane McAlevey on Background Briefing with Ian Masters: Labor Fights Back Against Inequality With 176 Strikes Launched So Far This Year

Ian Masters and Jane McAlevey discuss the uptick in strikes across the country taking place with 176 launched this year so far and what is behind this post-Covid release of pressure in workplaces as billionaires make record profits and the cost of living rises.  Read More

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ChangeMakers Chat with Jane McAlevey: Jane McAlevey is a fierce advocate for winning social change through organising.

Jane’s organising method, grounded in decades of experience, mentorship, and the battles of many movements across US history, is that workers and people need to lead their own change. Listen to learn more, or go to ChangeMakers. ChangeMakers Podcast · Jane McAlevey – ChangeMaker Chat Read More

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Can America be great again?: Book review - ‘A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy’

“The bulk of the book is a kind of primer, with extensive examples about how unions work, how to run a successful organizing campaign, and how to win a strike by building unity within the workplace and support in the surrounding community.” Read More

Illustration of Jane McAlevey

Jane McAlevey: We Desperately Need a Mass Strike Against the Billionaire Class: An interview about politics and power.

In light of the current class struggle shaping up inside (and outside) the primary, Jane McAlevey’s thoughts on how to make strategic interventions are a breath of fresh air. Read More