Media Coverage
Changing the narrative is never enough. But positive coverage helps.

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Power and Participation in Negotiations and Politics with Jane McAlevey: How to democratize union negotiations and build significant worker power by practicing transparent, big, and open negotiations

Jane McAlevey talks with Gordon Lafer and Adolph Reed Jr. about the impact of negotiations as political education, for building strong unions and for rebuilding democracy. Listen here >>   Read More

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The Lessons The Legacy Unions Need To Learn w/ Jane McAlevey: Jane McAlevey discusses using big, open, democratic bargaining tactics to win major gains at the table and in the contract.

Jane’s interview begins at 19:00 The wave of unionization continues apace across the United States and elsewhere in the world, but there’s often much less attention paid to the part of the process that comes after the winning of a union election: the bargaining of a contract. It can seem like the hard part is over when the votes are counted, but our guest this week reminds us that the hard part is just beginning. Read More

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Belabored: How to Bargain for Power, with Jane McAlevey: The longtime organizer and theorist discusses tactics that unions can use to win major gains at the table and in the contract.

The wave of unionization continues apace across the United States and elsewhere in the world, but there’s often much less attention paid to the part of the process that comes after the winning of a union election: the bargaining of a contract. It can seem like the hard part is over when the votes are counted, but our guest this week reminds us that the hard part is just beginning. Read More

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How to Build a Fighting Labor Movement with Jane McAlevey: How to organize mass numbers of new workers into unions that wage mass strikes to fight employers and revive the labor movement

Transcript: The Making of an Organizer MICAH UETRICHT Before we get into your new book and any of your work, let’s start at the beginning. You write in your books about a history of coming from a political family and being a student organizer at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and working for a while in the environmental movement and politics, but you eventually ended up in the labor movement. Read More

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Reinventing Strategy – “Labor Power and Strategy” from CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies: This episode tackles the big labor organizing questions of the day.

Jane McAlevey, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Stephanie Luce, and Peter Olney tackle the big labor organizing questions of the day: What is the relative strategic importance of organizing workers at the commanding heights of the 21st century economy, like the docks for example, versus organizing workers whose solidarity is strong, yet whose structural power within the economy is weaker, like those at Starbucks? Read More