Media Coverage
Changing the narrative is never enough. But positive coverage helps.

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Get Organized to Win! – Jane McAlevey: Paul Jay's extensive multi-part interview with Jane McAlevey

One of the world’s leading “organizers’ organizer” Jane McAlevey has trained thousands of activists in building more militant unions and winning electoral organizing; she sees the fight for effective unions as critical to winning transformative climate policy. Jane tells her story to Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself. Transcripts can be found at Read More

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ChangeMakers Chat with Jane McAlevey: Jane McAlevey is a fierce advocate for winning social change through organising.

Jane’s organising method, grounded in decades of experience, mentorship, and the battles of many movements across US history, is that workers and people need to lead their own change. Listen to learn more, or go to ChangeMakers. ChangeMakers Podcast · Jane McAlevey – ChangeMaker Chat Read More

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Unions Are a Pain in the Ass. Yet We Have No Choice but to Build Good Unions: An interview with Jane McAlevey

  Sam Fleischman and Wen Zhuang, from the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC), spoke with McAlevey ahead of her training series on the rationale behind her Bessemer rebuttal, how union popularity should be matched with the right tools, and how these old and new organizing strategies can work in harmony toward building worker power that can win. Read More