Media Coverage
Changing the narrative is never enough. But positive coverage helps.

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1919-2019: What Would it Take to Build Another General Strike?

From May 8-11, 2019, Manitoba’s unions hosted the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike Centenary Conference: inviting union members, labour activists and leaders from across Canada to reflect on the history of the general strike, and apply its lessons to the present and future of the labour movement. This podcast features a roundtable of speakers, including Jane McAlevey. Read More

Teacher strikers

Labor organizer Jane McAlevey on why strikes are the only way out of our current crisis: Interview in Waging Non Violence

According to longtime environmental and labor organizer Jane McAlevey, this recent wave of teacher strikes is also the perfect example of how change happens. It begins by developing a deep understanding of power, which then evolves into building small campaigns within a larger struggle to achieve measurable goals — all the while engaging in deep listening across differences, instead of self-selecting into single-minded silos. Read More